
My sewing machine! -revised

Isn't she cute?
OK, maybe not so much, she has seen better days. This is the first sewing machine that was my very own (thanks Mom!) she came into my life in High School, when my Mom enrolled me in a sewing academy, and I went to classes everyday after school, and she was by my side thru early days of crooked seams, when I went to FIDM, and up until about 3+ years ago, when she was replaced by my current machine. She has been in the garage since, I just could not bring myself to donate her, much less, throw her away.

So I decided to give her a makeover.

**I have been asked several times if the machine still works. It *does* work, as well as it did the last time I used it which was a few years ago, but not well enough for me to use on a daily basis anymore. I would like to make it perfectly clear, that I painted the machine, thinking it did NOT work, and I was OK with that, as it was done with the intention of being a sweet addition to the decor in my sewing room, so if you decide to do something similiar to your own machine, it is at your own risk. My only suggestion (and I am in no way, shape or form a expert) is that you do NOT spray paint a working machine, as it can easily get into the mechanism and motor.


I bathed her in nice, warm, soapy water.

A bit of spray paint.

A little dabble of paint here....

and there....

and, well, ah yes I know what I want to do now.....

hello! now we are getting somewhere....

what else? mushrooms of course!

lot's of them...

 a little house...

a couple of clouds....


Eeek!  I ♥ my sewing machine, more than I already did.

I wish I had another one to paint.

I am going to upload more pictures of it, from all angles on my Flickr page, if you want a closer look.

Have a great weekend, see ya!


  1. oh my gosh that is beyond cute!! i love the little tiny mushrooms :)

  2. That is awesome! I love it!!!!

  3. That's so great! Super cute. Can you still use it? I would totally paint my spare machine if it doesn't ruin the machine. :)

  4. you are nutty creative, it blows my mind. LOVE THIS.

  5. This is just adorable! And it would make sewing even more fun than it already is!

  6. OH MY GOSH! I love what you did to your one-of-a-kind sewing machine!

  7. This is nothing short of stunning -- Beautifully done! I, too, would love to know if the machine still works, because WOW.

  8. This is so cute. I love the little scattered mushrooms and house. :)

  9. WOW!! i am so amazed by your creativity and JEALOUS of your sewing ability!! i am TOTALLY jealous of your finds:O)

  10. I stumbled on your blog from etsy and I am shaking and crying over this sewing machine - it's SO CUTE! Great way to customize it :]

  11. SOO cute!! if you ever happen to be in Shanghai area, you are most welcome to paint mine! :D

  12. wOW! You've really done an amazing job! Your sewing machine looks so much cuter now! I've been meaning to make something to personalize a little bit more mine too, but I haven't tried anything yet. Your idea is perfect! :-)

  13. What an awesome idea! Sewing machines are so boring and plain. Does the paint stay on well?

  14. hey why not dress it up. make it unique, make it yours. love your makeover.
